Monday, October 12, 2015

Cumulative Update 12 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 has been released(Build 42951)

This Cumulative Update 12 includes hotfixes and regulatory features released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015, including hotfixes and regulatory features released in previous Cumulative Updates.

Note You must convert the database if you are upgrading to this cumulative update from a cumulative update earlier than cumulative update 9 (build 41779). For more information, see Converting a Database in Help for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
The cumulative update includes hotfixes that apply to all countries and hotfixes specific to the following local versions:
  • AU - Australia
  • AT - Austria
  • BE - Belgium
  • CH - Switzerland
  • DE - Germany
  • DK - Denmark
  • ES - Spain
  • FI - Finland
  • FR - France
  • IS - Iceland
  • IT - Italy
  • NA - North America
  • NL - Netherlands
  • NO - Norway
  • NZ - New Zealand
  • SE - Sweden
  • UK - United Kingdom
Where to download this cumulative update
You can download the cumulative update from KB 3097767 – Cumulative Update 12 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015
Problems that are resolved in this cumulative update
The following problems are resolved in this cumulative update:
Platform hotfixes
ID Title
375672 When you perform personalization on the profile using Configuration mode, the metadata is not renamed if you later change the profile using the Windows client.
375727 When personalization data is serialized, the SaveValuesSerializer is saved as OptionCaption, which is language-dependent. It must save as OptionString, which is language-agnostic.
375708 Connection cannot be resumed after the client has timed out.
375761 The cursor jumps to the wrong field when you enter lines into a time sheet by using Ctrl + Insert.
375806 The AltSearchField field property does not work as documented.
375882 REPORT.RUNREQUESTPAGE runs report code.
375827 The service tier crashes when the web service encounters a System.Xml.XmlException error.
376032 Queries populated with OData go into a never-ending loop.
376011 Number of copies defaults to 1 in the printer selection dialog.

Application Hotfixes
ID Title Functional area Changed objects
375650 After you export a payment file, you are still able to print a check from the payment journal. Cash Management REP 1401 TAB 81
375669 When you run the Update Job Item Cost report with the Automatic Update Job Item Cost set to Yes on the Job Setup page, not all adjust cost item entries of incomplete jobs are checked. Costing COD 5895
375590 When you set up a different amount rounding precision for a currency, the amount is shown correctly in the purchase lines, but not on the subpages. Finance PAG 1308 PAG 46 PAG 47 PAG 508 PAG 510 PAG 54 PAG 55 PAG 6631 PAG 6641 PAG 95 PAG 96 PAG 97 PAG 98 TAB 37
375739 After you run the Analysis by Dimension function, when you scroll down on the Overview page, the page freezes. Finance PAG 554 PAG 9249
375774 If you unapply a payment that closed multiple invoices with payment discount, a VAT entry is missing. Finance COD 12
375904 In some scenarios, the Order Date function on the Number Series page does not work. Finance COD 6620
375673 "The transaction cannot be completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry table" error message when you post an order with 100% prepayment, prices including VAT, and multiple prepayment accounts. Finance COD 442 COD 444
375887 The Registration No. field on the Company Information page is never printed in Word layouts. Finance TAB 79
375922 "The Location does not exist. Identification fields and values code" error message when you change the Transfer-to Code value on a transfer order that has a line with blank item number. Inventory TAB 5740 TAB 5741
375928 A standard-cost item is received when a purchase return is applied and shipped, and the purchase return is changed from Undone to Lost Recognition of Variance. Inventory COD 5814 COD 5895
375926 The No., Substitute No., and Description columns do not provide all info when you run the Item Substitution report. Inventory REP 5701
375985 The Selection report is missing for assembly documents. Inventory PAG 5754
375902 "The length of the string is 101, but it must be less than or equal to 100 characters" error message when you filter the Item Ledger Entry page on the Document Type field by selecting several values. Inventory PAG 38
375794 When you run the Item Age Composition Qty report with a location filter, it shows totals including all locations regardless of the selected location filter. Inventory REP 5807
376086 In-Transit location has wrong average cost after you upgrade from a previous version to version 2013 with new designs. Inventory N/A
376029 The Item Category Code field is not validated in the item ledger entry when you post an assembly order. Inventory COD 900
376006 After you post a purchase invoice that is linked to a job, the already scheduled cost and price are changed. Jobs COD 1026 TAB 1003
375893 "Attempted to divide by zero" error message when you post a job journal line. Jobs COD 1012
376001 Assembly order resource time does not show as allocated time on the Resource Availability page. Jobs PAG 361
375665 "Qty. to Handle (Base) in Tracking Specification for Item No. XX, Serial No.: XX, Lot No.: XX is currently YY. It must be ZZ" error message when you post a warehouse shipment after running the Calculate Regenerative Plan batch job. Manufacturing COD 7312 COD 99000854
375894 You are allowed to save a routing line to a production order without a routing number. Manufacturing TAB 5409
375706 Adding more meaningful info to the Contact Business Relation page. Marketing PAG 5061 PAG 5062
375900 The Description field is not updated according to the vendor language code and corresponding translation codes for the item on a purchase order line that is created by the Order Planning function. Purchase TAB 246
375874 The Gen. Posting Type field is missing on the General Ledger Entries page for the payment discount if the Adjust for Payment Disc. field is activated on the General Ledger Setup page and you unapply purchase entries. Purchase COD 12
375507 The Document Total fields on the Purchase Order page are not updated if you change the VAT Amount field on the VAT Amount Lines page. Purchase COD 57 PAG 402 PAG 403 TAB 290
375974 The line discount amount shows incorrect amount in sales and purchase credit memos that use the Copy Document or the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse functions. Sales COD 6620
376004 The Grace Period field is not used as expected when you use the Create Reminders function. Sales COD 392
376009 A negative item charge assigned to a sales order line when invoiced does not reflect the changed price in the Sales Amount (Actual) field in the Value entry. Sales TAB 39 TAB 37
376033 When you run the Move Negative Lines function on a sales order that has item lines with extended text, the extended text lines that are not related to the negative item line are moved to the return document. Sales COD 6620 PAG 42 PAG 50
375976 A security filter built through a responsibility center does not work when you archive documents. Sales PAG 9347 PAG 9349 TAB 5107 TAB 5109
375760 "Quantity Shipped in the associated blanket order must not be greater than Quantity in Sales Line Document Type='Blanket Order',Document No" error message when you post a sales invoice that is copied from a sales credit memo related to a blanket sales order. Sales COD 6620 COD 80 COD 90
375875 The External Document No. field is missing on the Blanket Sales Order page. Sales PAG 507
375872 If you create a reminder for a customer with a language code, the Open Entries Not Due text is always displayed in the English language if the client language is set to English. Sales COD 392
375781 "There is no Sales Shipment Line within the filter" error message when you use an advanced filter on the Sales Shipment Line page. Sales PAG 5824
375847 "There is no Sales Invoice Header within the filter..." error message when you post and e-mail a sales document. Sales COD 260
375942 "Amount must be positive in Gen. Journal Line Journal Template Name='',Journal Batch Name='',Line No.='0'" error message when you post a service invoice with a negative amount. Service TAB 5964
375913 An additional warehouse movement line of action type Place is created with zero quantity when you use the Change Unit of Measure function on movement lines. Warehouse PAG 7316
375684 "The Bin Content does not exist. Identification fields and values: Location Code=XX, Bin Code=XX, Item No.=XX, Variant Code=XX, Unit of Measure Code=XX" error message when you create a movement with the Breakbulk and Item Tracking options. Warehouse COD 7312 COD 99000854
375890 "Item tracking cannot be fully matched. Serial No.: , Lot No.: , outstanding quantity: X" error message when you post a warehouse shipment. Warehouse COD 99000830
375995 In Dynamics NAV 2013 and later versions, ADCS returns a communication error that pushes the real error off the screen. Warehouse COD 7702

How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 cumulative update
See How to install a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Cumulative Update .



G A said...

Cumulative Update (CU) 12 is a software update package from Microsoft for Dynamics NAV 2024.
It likely includes:
Bug fixes: Addressing issues and errors reported by users since the previous update.
Security updates: Patching vulnerabilities to protect your system from cyber threats.
New features: In some cases, CUs might introduce new functionalities or enhancements to existing features.
What to do next?

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Review Release Notes: Microsoft typically publishes release notes for each CU, detailing the specific fixes, enhancements, and known issues. Look for these release notes online or within your Microsoft Dynamics NAV documentation.
Evaluate Need: Review the release notes to understand if the fixes or new features in CU 12 address any specific issues you're facing or offer functionalities you need.
Planning and Testing: If you decide to install CU 12, it's crucial to plan and test the update in a non-production environment before deploying it to your live system. This helps ensure compatibility and minimizes disruption to your operations.
Backup: It's always recommended to create a full backup of your Dynamics NAV system before installing any major updates.