Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Batch Name disappears after you customize the Journal Page


Batch name drop-down disappearing on the journal pages in NAV 2013 and NAV 2013 R2 is an old issue but this issue resurfaced again this week couple of times for a client, so I have decided to write a blog on it.

This is a known bug in NAV 2013  & NAV 2013 R2 and can be fixed easily by applying the latest platform hotfix but if you are not planning to apply the hotfix then below solution will fix the issue for you

In this example, let’s look at the whse. physical inventory journal page

After I have customized the page, the page will look like in the below fig, and there is no way to add the batch name back to the page and this issue is user specific.


In order to resolve this issue, you need to open the development environment and find the table 2000000075 (User Metadata) and 2000000080 (Page Data Personalization), and run those tables and filter for the page no. . In this case I have filtered the Page ID column  (Whse. Phys. Inventory Journal Page is) to 7326 and the User ID column to my user ID.

Once you find that record, please delete that record from the table and perform the same steps in Page Data Personalization table and use the Object ID column instead of Page ID.


Compile the page and the batch name should appear on the journal page.

If you have any other tips or suggestions, please do share them in the comments below.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

New COMPANYPROPERTY function in NAV 2018


One of the new functions which were introduced in NAV2018 is COMPANYPROPERTY which has two properties

DISPLAYNAME: Which will return the display name from the company record

URLNAME: Which will return the name in the URL Format.

You can setup the Display Name on the company page as shown in the below figure:


As per Microsoft documentation, the change of display name now has immediate effect on reports as well as displaying the company name in the UI of the client

I have tried to the change the Display Name for testing but the change is not reflected on the RTC client, it did reflect in reports and in the web client. It would be nice if the same change is reflected in the RTC client when the System Indicator Company is used.



The URLNAME function returns the following output


One issue I have noticed is if we go to the company information card and make any change to the system indicator the display name is reverted to the original company name.

If you have any other tips or suggestions, please do share them in the comments below.


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Using Placeholders in NAV Reports


Placeholders provide a method to customize the formatting and insert as an expression inside the textbox.

To add a placeholder, click inside the textbox, then right-click and select Create Placeholder as shown in the figure.



Modifying or removing a field in a standard report like Sales Order (10075) is a pain because all the textboxes show their expressions as <<Expr>>, as shown below. Trying to identify which textbox contains the field that you want to modify or remove could be tiring.


If we have used Placeholders inside the textbox then it will be much easier to identify them as Placeholders not only allows you to add expressions but also gives you the option to add Labels to it. The labels will appear on the report layout as shown below.


Microsoft does a good job in naming the textboxes so it is easy to identify them using the name, for example if I look at the same report in Document Outline you can see how they named

The advantage with placeholder labels is you can view that in design mode.


Placeholders also have the ability to format the text differently. You can add more than one Placeholder in a textbox. Similar to Textboxes, Placeholders also have many tabs as shown in the figure below, which will allow you to format and customize text accordingly.

You can add more than one placeholder in a single text box and format each placeholder differently.

One other advantage of Placeholder is, it has the option to Interpret HTML tags. You can add configure your expression to render using HTML formatting. This allows us to add HTML tags directly into the expression, such as line break, font, bolding, underline….

For example, we can use the following expression in the Value field, and select the HTML option for Markup type in the above figure.

<font face="Arial"><b>T </b></font> ' + “Phone No." + '<br>'

If you have any other tips or suggestions, please do share them in the comments below.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 2017 Cumulative Updates for NAV 2013, 2013 R2, 2015, 2016 and 2017

Here are links to the release notes and download link for the CU's released.

NAV 2013 – Cumulative Update 57

You can download the cumulative update from KB 4055888

NAV 2013 R2 – Cumulative Update 50

You can download the cumulative update from KB 4055889

NAV 2015 – Cumulative Update 38

You can download the cumulative update from KB 4055890

NAV 2016 – Cumulative Update 26

You can download the cumulative update from KB4055891

NAV 2017 – Cumulative Update 11

You can download the cumulative update from KB4055892


Connection refused error on NAV when connecting to web services


When you try to access Navision Web services you may encounter the following error

This Site can’t be reached, xxxx refused to connect”

The most common reason for this error is the NAV Service is not enabled for SOAP/OData.

To enable these services, open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool and select the SOAP Services Tab/ OData Services Tab  and make sure the property is set to true

Enable SOAP Services and Enable OData Services to true, if you are using SOAP you just need to enable SOAP and vice versa.


You can also use the Powershell Cmdlet

Set-NAVServerConfiugration to enable the services for example to enable OData you use the following cmdlet

Set-NAVServerConfiguration -ServerInstance <ServerInstance> -keyname ODataServicesEnabled -keyvalue true

Replace <ServerInstance> with the name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance on which to set up OData services.

Check the following link for more examples

One other reason for this error is because the port is blocked and you need to create an inbound rule to allow it.

Please check this below the article you need to do the same for the web services port

If you have any other tips or suggestions, please do share them in the comments below.


New System and Hidden Tables in NAV 2018


The following new system tables are added in NAV 2018


Two new hidden tables are added in NAV 2018


The new hidden table and new feature in NAV 2018 is API’s and when i run this table it listed the following API, in my next post I will see how can we can enable API on NAV 2018 and access one of those using the endpoint


If you have any other tips or suggestions , please do share them in the comments below.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Dynamics NAV 2018 is available to download

The much waited NAV version is now available to download, with lot of new features. Please download the software from the below link

You can check what is new in NAV 2018 in this document

Some of the new features in this release are

Image Analyzer

Power BI reporting Control

Better OCR Integration

Preconfigured Excel Reports

Bulk Posting of orders, invoices and credit memos.

You can also change some servers settings in the new version without restarting the service.

You can have a different Company Name and Display name 

And Lots more

License Information

In order to run Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018, you must have a valid Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 license file.  You will find more information about how to correctly license Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 in the license guide (partner-only).
