NAV Programming Best Practices
LOCAL PROCEDURE GetSerialLotNo@1240060002(); VAR ItemTrackingMgt@1240060000 : Codeunit 6500; TempItemLedgEntry@1240060001 : TEMPORARY Record 32; InvoiceRowID@1240060002 : Text[150]; LineNo@1240060003 : Integer; Inserted@1240060004 : Boolean; SerialLot@1240060005 : Code[60]; ValueEntryRelation@1240060006 : Record 6508; ValueEntry@1240060007 : Record 5802; ItemLedgEntry@1240060008 : Record 32; BEGIN IF TempSalesInvoiceLine.Type <> TempSalesInvoiceLine.Type::Item THEN EXIT; TempItemLedgEntry.RESET; TempItemLedgEntry.DELETEALL; InvoiceRowID := TempSalesInvoiceLine.RowID1; ValueEntryRelation.RESET; ValueEntryRelation.SETCURRENTKEY("Source RowId"); ValueEntryRelation.SETRANGE("Source RowId",InvoiceRowID); IF ValueEntryRelation.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN REPEAT ValueEntry.GET(ValueEntryRelation."Value Entry No."); ItemLedgEntry.GET(ValueEntry."Item Ledger Entry No."); TempItemLedgEntry := ItemLedgEntry; TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity := ValueEntry."Invoiced Quantity"; IF TempItemLedgEntry."Entry Type" IN [TempItemLedgEntry."Entry Type"::Purchase,TempItemLedgEntry."Entry Type"::Sale] THEN IF TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity <> 0 THEN TempItemLedgEntry.INSERT; UNTIL ValueEntryRelation.NEXT = 0; END; IF TempItemLedgEntry.FINDFIRST THEN REPEAT SerialLot := TempItemLedgEntry."Serial No." + ' ' + TempItemLedgEntry."Lot No."; WITH TempSalesInvoiceLine DO BEGIN INIT; "Document No." := "Sales Invoice Header"."No."; "Line No." := HighestLineNo + 10; HighestLineNo := "Line No."; END; IF STRLEN(SerialLot) + 1 <= MAXSTRLEN(TempSalesInvoiceLine.Description) THEN BEGIN TempSalesInvoiceLine.Description := SerialLot; TempSalesInvoiceLine."Description 2" := ''; END ELSE BEGIN SpacePointer := MAXSTRLEN(TempSalesInvoiceLine.Description) + 1; WHILE (SpacePointer > 1) AND (SerialLot[SpacePointer] <> ' ') DO SpacePointer := SpacePointer - 1; IF SpacePointer = 1 THEN SpacePointer := MAXSTRLEN(TempSalesInvoiceLine.Description) + 1; TempSalesInvoiceLine.Description := COPYSTR(SerialLot,1,SpacePointer - 1); TempSalesInvoiceLine."Description 2" := COPYSTR(COPYSTR(SerialLot,SpacePointer + 1),1,MAXSTRLEN(TempSalesInvoiceLine."Description 2")); END; TempSalesInvoiceLine.INSERT; UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0; END;
In this post I will discuss how to read the notes and how to create the notes programmatically. When you create a note where the data is saved in the Navision ? I have seen this question being asked several times in the community forum. The answer is the notes are saved in binary format in a blob field (Note) in the Record Link table (2000000068) and the way it maps to the record is using Record ID.
Read Notes:
To read notes you need to find the “Record ID” of the record using Record Reference and then use that to filter the Record Link table and then convert value in the blob field (Note) into readable text.
In the below example the ReadNotes function takes SalesHeader as parameters and displays the first note associated with it.
Write Notes:
To create note once we again need to get the “Record ID” of the record which can be retrieved using Record Reference, and we also need to convert the text into bytes to store in the “Note” Blob Field. Since the Record Link primary key Link ID is set to Auto Increment we don’t need to find the next available “Link ID”, as INSERT statement will take care of retrieving it and assigning it.
There are two helper functions below SetText and HtmlEncode, you need these functions to write notes.
PROCEDURE ReadNotes@1240060000(SalesHeader@1240060003 : Record 36); VAR RecordLink@1240060000 : Record 2000000068; NoteText@1240060001 : BigText; Stream@1240060002 : InStream; RecRef@1240060004 : RecordRef; BEGIN RecRef.GETTABLE(SalesHeader); RecordLink.SETRANGE("Record ID",RecRef.RECORDID); IF RecordLink.FINDFIRST THEN BEGIN REPEAT RecordLink.CALCFIELDS(Note); IF RecordLink.Note.HASVALUE THEN BEGIN CLEAR(NoteText); RecordLink.Note.CREATEINSTREAM(Stream); NoteText.READ(Stream); NoteText.GETSUBTEXT(NoteText, 2); MESSAGE(FORMAT(NoteText)); END; UNTIL RecordLink.NEXT = 0; END; END; PROCEDURE WriteNote@1240060001(); VAR LinkID@1240060000 : Integer; Customer@1240060001 : Record 18; RecRef@1240060002 : RecordRef; RecordLink@1240060003 : Record 2000000068; BEGIN Customer.GET('10000'); RecRef.GETTABLE(Customer); RecordLink.INIT; RecordLink."Link ID" := 0; RecordLink."Record ID" := RecRef.RECORDID; RecordLink.URL1 := GETURL(CLIENTTYPE::Current, COMPANYNAME, OBJECTTYPE::Page, PAGE::"Customer Card"); RecordLink.Type := RecordLink.Type::Note; RecordLink.Created := CURRENTDATETIME; RecordLink."User ID":=USERID; RecordLink.Company:=COMPANYNAME; RecordLink.Notify := TRUE; SetText('Test Note For the Customer 10000',RecordLink); RecordLink.INSERT; END; LOCAL PROCEDURE SetText@4(NoteText@1001 : Text;VAR RecordLink@1000 : Record 2000000068); VAR SystemUTF8Encoder@1011 : DotNet "'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.System.Text.UTF8Encoding"; SystemByteArray@1010 : DotNet "'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.System.Array"; OStr@1008 : OutStream; s@1007 : Text; lf@1006 : Text; c1@1005 : Char; c2@1004 : Char; x@1003 : Integer; y@1002 : Integer; i@1009 : Integer; BEGIN s := NoteText; SystemUTF8Encoder := SystemUTF8Encoder.UTF8Encoding; SystemByteArray := SystemUTF8Encoder.GetBytes(s); RecordLink.Note.CREATEOUTSTREAM(OStr); x := SystemByteArray.Length DIV 128; IF x > 1 THEN y := SystemByteArray.Length - 128 * (x - 1) ELSE y := SystemByteArray.Length; c1 := y; OStr.WRITE(c1); IF x > 0 THEN BEGIN c2 := x; OStr.WRITE(c2); END; FOR i := 0 TO SystemByteArray.Length - 1 DO BEGIN c1 := SystemByteArray.GetValue(i); OStr.WRITE(c1); END; END; LOCAL PROCEDURE HtmlEncode@20(InText@1000 : Text[1024]) : Text[1024]; VAR SystemWebHttpUtility@1001 : DotNet "'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.System.Web.HttpUtility"; BEGIN SystemWebHttpUtility := SystemWebHttpUtility.HttpUtility; EXIT(SystemWebHttpUtility.HtmlEncode(InText)); END;
The two above functions SetText and HtmlEncode are copied from the standard Navision Codeunit (454 Job Queue - Send Notification)
Download the object from this link Notes Management
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