This Cumulative Update 22 includes hotfixes and regulatory features released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, including hotfixes and regulatory features released in previous Cumulative Updates.
The cumulative update includes hotfixes that apply to all countries and hotfixes specific to the following local versions:
- AU - Australia
- AT - Austria
- BE - Belgium
- CH - Switzerland
- DE - Germany
- DK - Denmark
- ES - Spain
- FI - Finland
- FR - France
- IS - Iceland
- IT - Italy
- NA - North America
- NL - Netherlands
- NO - Norway
- NZ - New Zealand
- SE - Sweden
- UK - United Kingdom
Where to download this cumulative update
You can download the cumulative update from KB 3084775 – Cumulative Update 22 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 (Build 42221).
Problems that are resolved in this cumulative update
Platform hotfixes
ID | Title |
375136 | The Windows client is running slowly and consuming a lot of memory. |
375204 | The SaveValues property stores variable lengths that lead to strange side effects. |
375135 | Suppress .NET warning when running the NAV server and the client on the same machine. |
375117 | "Server page is not open" error message when closing a page. |
374727 | Data is changed after you run the Export to Excel function. |
375307 | It should be possible to ignore diagrams in Excel sheets when doing an import. |
375347 | "The company <name> does not exist" error message when you try to change language if the company name has a leading or trailing space. |
375356 | "The Element <element name> is unexpected" error message when you import a document with an XMLport if the first element is self-closing. |
375331 | The Windows client crashes if invalid characters are added to a text screen. |
Application hotfixes
ID | Title | Functional area | Changed objects |
375138 | It is possible to create a dimension value with a blank value in the Dimension Code field. | Administration | PAG 537 TAB 349 |
375026 | A note sent over on a purchase invoice from another user is posted and then creates duplicate notes in My Notifications. | Client | COD 447 COD 5063 COD 5407 COD 5704 COD 5705 COD 5923 COD 5988 COD 80 COD 86 COD 87 COD 90 COD 900 COD 96 COD 97 TAB 904 |
375225 | "The IC Partner does not exist. Identification fields and values: Code='XXX'" error message when you try to import an intercompany file to the inbox. | Finance | COD 427 COD 435 |
375254 | The expiration date on a recurring journal should not be based on the work date. | Finance | COD 13 |
375119 | An inbound item ledger entry applied to a previous outbound item ledger entry is not cost-adjusted when the outbound entry is related to a job. | Inventory | COD 22 |
375304 | Wrong average cost of the in-transit location after upgrading from a previous version to version 2013 with a new design. | Inventory | N/A |
375290 | The line amount in job ledger entries is incorrect when you partially post receipt of a purchase order linked to a job and then create an invoice by using the Get Receipt Lines function and post. | Jobs | COD 90 |
375214 | The filter provided in the Outstanding Orders and Amt. Rcd. Not Invoiced fields on a job task line is wrong when you drill down and the job task type is End-Total. | Jobs | PAG 1002 |
375390 | The available capacity is calculated as an integer instead of a decimal. | Manufacturing | COD 99000774 |
375125 | The Amount Incl. VAT field and the Outstanding Amount field should be calculated in the same way on sales order lines. | Sales | TAB 36 TAB 37 TAB 38 TAB 39 |
375318 | A purchase order with a special order option is reserved when you create a sales order with the Reserve Always option on the item card. | Sales | COD 99000845 |
375187 | The Service Document - Test report does not show invoice discounts correctly if one of the service lines has the Allow Invoice Disc. option set to No. | Service | COD 228 REP 5915 |
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